Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Hi! My name is Stacie, and it's been 9 months since my last blog post.
It was very much a gestation period, a development of something over time. A development of a better version of myself. When I embarked on this yoga journey I didn't quite know what to expect. I had a few ideas, especially since chatting with my sister who recently graduated from her yoga teacher training. I knew I would learn more about the asanas, more about anatomy. I would learn about the Yoga Sutras, and the philisophical teachings. I even knew I would learn more about myself. However, this journey to the self through the self, was more than I could anticipate.

I graduated from my 200 hour yoga teacher training today, but what I received was beyond a certificate of completion. I received, Love, Kindness, Compassion, Support, Friendship, Healing, Hugs, and every other cliche mushy thing you can bring to mind. Driving home tonight in the rain, which matched my streaming tears, I was contemplating this part of my journey that never ends, and I knew I needed to write something. We cried a lot today. I kind of feel drained, but overflowing at the same time. Overflowing with gratitude for this experience, and everyone that was a part of it. These random people from all walks of life came together as a tribe, and get ready for us because we are spreading the LOVE!

I feel so many things right now. Honored to teach, and excited to learn more. Sad that it is over, but overjoyed that I have so many new friends in my life. Exhausted from practice, but energized by the hearts that shared. Eager for what is next, yet safe in my present moment. Mostly, what I feel is love and appreciation in my heart. It is this love that I will take with me, and when I forget because some days will suck, I hope know I will find my way back because there are so many in my circle to light the way.
Like the Grinch, my heart grew three sizes today.

Stay tuned.....for the next episode.


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