Saturday, August 16, 2008

Greener Goals and General Goals

Things that I hope to accomplish in the near future-

To Be Greener, I hope to:

  • Collect rain water to reuse in the garden

  • Expand the garden

  • Use renewable energy, either through solar, geothermal units, or simply changing my electric company to one that uses renewable sources. You can choose!

  • Use biodiesel in my car (it's a VW Golf TDI, but I really want a VW Passat Wagon TDI).

  • Drive less, and don't be too afraid to put my girls on a bus for school. That's hard. :(

  • Eat totally organic

  • Raise our own hens for eggs, manure, and goats because they are so cute.

  • Plant more trees.... and flowers.

In general, I hope to:

  • Certify as a childbirth educator, and teach classes regularly

  • Lose weight, and be healthy

  • Have downstairs a completed Family Room...wait that should be my husband's goal!

  • Build a solid stonewall in our backyard

  • Learn how to knit, and sew (Home Ec didn't cut it)

  • Have no debt (this goal should really be first).

  • Be granted land for an animal sanctuary

  • Follow my dreams

It's all easy enough...

Friday, August 1, 2008

Blessed Lammas

It is a Lammas, the traditional first harvest and a New Moon in Leo. Let's not forget the total solar eclipse. A perfect day to pick that big zucchini in my garden! I think I'll shread it and put it in my meatless balls for dinner tonight. My garden is doing pretty good. We have gotten cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, peppers. The corn, eggplants, and squash are growing. My little pumpkin patch is not little anymore. They weren't kidding when they said pumpkins take up a lot of real estate! The vines are on my deck, under my deck, and in the pathway (where the dogs trample them). Live and learn right? Next year I'll plant them on the hill, so the vines can come down, I think that would look so cool. My girls love seeing things grow, it would be neat if we could pick a pumpkin from the backyard, then carve it.